It started as the subtle swell of a wave building on the horizon. The quiet rumbling grew as it approached, individual drops of the ocean swept into one massive wave. It’s nearing the shore now, ready to crash with all its might.

This is the global awakening, sweeping full-force around the world.

It cannot be stopped. As the earth’s vibration increases, as waves of increasing energy transform our DNA and activate our pineal gland, we receive downloads and inner knowings we couldn’t access before. Our own kundalini energy is rising, a serpent of energy climbing up our spinal column, clearing blockages and opening our eyes to see.

The old ways that no longer serve us fall away. The lower vibrations of fear and separation no longer resonate. All beliefs and systems that cannot stand in the light collapse.

Right now, the entire world is purging in order to make way for the new. We see this in politics, business, and the emotional chaos of our own lives.

As people awaken, they activate the awakenings of those around them through their words and energy field. It’s the biggest ripple effect you can image. We’re collectively co-creating this shift.

Once we all awaken, once we come alive as our higher selves, we will know who we are.

The clouds part, artificial programs dissolve, and eyes open to see for the first time that we are light. We are eternal spirit. We are source.

We are one.

And with that absolute knowing, we’ll feel a freedom and lightness we cannot even imagine now.

We were so serious, lonely, and afraid for too long.

Now, we are in on the cosmic giggle. We know we’re playing a game, a game we’ve played infinite times before.

No need to be so serious. We can play. Finally, we can truly play as we step into our full sovereignty.

Everything that is happening is divinely orchestrated, unfolding in perfect timing. Everything that happens to us is for our own soul’s evolution. We can relax our grip. Surrender to the guidance of our higher selves.

No need to think about the future or the past. They do not exist. Everything is happening now.

Nothing to fear, nothing to lose…

No need to prove, defend, protect, or force…

No one to fight against. No one to compare ourselves to. We are all closer than siblings. We are each other, the same mirror, shattered into a beautiful kaleidoscope.

There is no separation. Not even death is real.

Could we have created an experience any more magnificent than this?

Soon, we’ll all know why we’re here. We’ll know our soul mission.

We will know that our purpose has nothing to do with how we make money and everything to do with who we are… And that is love, expressed through our own unique gifts.

We are experiencing the greatest awakening that humanity – and this multiverse – has ever witnessed. Get ready for the wildest ride of your eternal lives.

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