Many people have told me in the past month that they’re quitting their job or pivoting their business. They’re hungry to align their work more closely with their purpose and preferred lifestyle.

But this takes a leap of faith, and the path forward is murky with uncertainty. It requires making your heart and intuition your compass instead of your mind, which is often misguided by fear or ego.

I went through the same journey last year when I quit my startup job to travel and work remotely.

Since we’ve been making decisions from the mind for so long, chasing what we believe will make us happy because society says so, we’ve forgotten how to listen to our heart.

When you leap into the unknown, you’ll feel lost and aimless. A thousand voices will pull you into different directions: the voice of reason, the voice of your heart, the voices of your parents, friends, society…

And very loudly, you’ll hear the voice of fear – disguised as a rational voice telling you that you need more stability, security, and clarity.

If you’re lucky, you’ll have friends or mentors who support you on your path. Otherwise, you’ll feel like you’re the crazy one going against the grain of what everyone else is doing.

Discovering your own truth requires a lot of time in reflection. You’ll need to slow down from the usual productive pace. Some days, you’ll feel lazy for doing this. You’ll feel aimless. You may be torn between choices – the safer choice and the one that makes your heart flutter wild.

As you go deeper into the unknown, you may feel like you’re going backwards.

But thrashing in uncertainty IS progress.

You’re doing the work to get to the other side, where there is clarity. Don’t worry about figuring out exactly what your purpose is… Don’t worry about having everything planned out. Our rational minds are not capable of knowing how it will all turn out.

Questioning the status quo, and questioning your own beliefs, takes bravery. You must be willing to look deep into your heart to see what’s true for you. And while you can’t see any results on the outside yet, you are doing the work. It’s some of the toughest mental, emotional, and spiritual work you’ll do.

We’ve been so conditioned as a society, especially in business, to honor the masculine energy of having a plan and taking action.

Imagine a world where we celebrated the feminine energy of creative expression, intuition, surrender, and being… Or better yet, a world where we balance both the masculine and feminine energies within us.

Then, this state of surrender and self-inquiry would feel more acceptable. We’d start going within to seek our truth, instead of relying on our external reality to show us how we “should” live.

When you follow what excites you, when you follow those hunches and ideas that pull you, you must trust that each next step will unfold at the right moment. This is when the universe starts co-creating with you. Your soul is joyful. Finally, you’ve heard the call to follow your heart! You felt suffocated in your current life because it was such a contrast to your inner being, which knows who you truly are. And now, your higher self is rejoicing and pulling you forward.

You will know, through your emotions, when you’re on the right path. You might not have the full picture yet, but the breadcrumbs will be there.

It may appear as a sudden inspiration – an idea out of the blue. A conversation with a friend. Or you might be immersed in an activity you love, where you lose track of time. What excites you will keep calling you from all directions, through emotion.

When you do what you love, it won’t feel like work – or at least, the core of it won’t. Sometimes, your heart will soar. Inspiration will flow.

You’ll find yourself daydreaming about it. It’ll take you closer to the life you want to live and the types of people you want to befriend. It’ll help you live true to your values and priorities. And inspire you to dream bigger.

You’re on your way to living your truth, sharing your voice, and releasing your fear. This is the greatest work you’ll do for yourself, much more than in your career.

You may not be paid for the time you spend thrashing in the unknown. But it is priceless for your soul, your health, your bliss. And without knowing it, you’re activating in others a similar yearning to do the same. You’re awakening in them an exploration of their hearts.

You may feel lost. But you’re not powerless. With each day, you’re reclaiming your life on your own terms. This is you, stepping into your full power.


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