How long have I been sleepwalking through life, only to realize that everything I’d been chasing was not what I really want?… And everything my heart desires is even more magical and accessible than I could have imagined.

I chased material desires, accomplishments, and career success. Financial independence, happy relationships, and personal growth. I chased them relentlessly, often all at once, as if they were the end goal.

All of those can be beautiful signs of a thriving life – but they are not the end goal.

As the outer world takes a back seat, the inner world emerges.

I want to be free in every moment. I want to live a life completely aligned – mind, body, and soul. I want to experience my heart opening with a love so deep and universal that I feel one with source. I want to remain aware that I am the creator of my reality, I am sovereign, I am whole just the way I am.

And from this high vibration, my outer world will blossom. I’ll experience deep friendships, union with my life and soul partner, a loving community, work that makes me come alive, and beautiful ways to serve humanity. These will all be a reflection of my new way of being.

Measuring My Life

I want to experience life – not as a struggle, a competition, or a destination – but as a celebration.

Let me make each day a ceremony.

Instead of thinking I’m not doing enough or don’t have enough, let me experience the perfection of this moment, as imperfect as it may seem. Let me feel the joy of existence, the ecstasy of being alive, the total knowing that I have everything I need within me…

In every moment, can I feel more deeply? Can I be more present, more alive, more aware of my own mortality? And at the same time, can I remember that at the core I am eternal, as we all are?

Because in death, we shed everything we have accumulated. Everything that we created from the ego dissolves. But what remains, eternally, is love.

With this awareness, I want to embody my soul and walk as my higher self – here in the physical plane.

How can I love more deeply?

Can I transcend human love and expand my heart – beyond attachments, beyond needs, beyond fears, beyond the ego, and beyond my personality?

Can I experience sacred love, a divine union so pure it would shatter everything I thought I knew about love?

My capacity to love – my capacity to give and embody love – is infinite.

It’s just me here in this endless universe. I am you, and you are me. Billions of people on earth, all the beings in the multiverse, all living forms – we are, quite literally, one. And so we are not alone, and at the same time, we are all there is.

You and me – we have always been Love. And here in this life, we’re remembering who we are as love and savoring it in our own unique way.

Let me measure my life by how much I love, how deeply I can go within myself and others in love.



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