We humans think of time linearly.

linear time

Often thinking about the future and dwelling on the past, we rarely scratch the surface of the present moment. We’re unconscious to the present moment, unaware of our being as we focus on doing.

But the present moment is all there is. And it’s infinite in its depth. The past is a memory, the future just a dream.

How deep can you go in this moment? By heightening your awareness, by being your truth, by opening your heart – how much more deeply can you live?

living deeply

Are we living like this?

living shallowly

Or this?

You meet someone incredible. The human tendency is to want to cling, to possess, to attach. We want security and reassurance. Be mine. Don’t leave me. Be loyal to me. What will our future look like?

We try to create security through labels and promises. But life isn’t secure at all and is constantly in flow. That’s the beauty of it, and the terror.

If you go deep with someone, if you truly open yourself and love someone in this present moment – you can get a taste of infinity in that depth. You go so deep to find that there is no limit, as two souls merge into one and reflect the depth within yourself.

That moment may be more meaningful than an entire lifetime of shallow possession.

Can you anchor to this present moment – this moment, and the next, and the next? Then, you can make it a lifetime of depth.

You begin to turn linear time on its head and start living vertically in depth. Shifting your attention from external pleasures and securities to the universe within, you begin to explore the boundless depths of your own being.

eternal time

You can experience eternity in this one moment. You don’t even need someone else. In silence, go within – and you’ll find eternal love, eternal depth. The world you see out there is first created from within. Find love in yourself, in this moment, and it will overflow into your life.

Time dissolves, becomes irrelevant. You are free.


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