I started journaling at the age of 10.

I’d write about my typical pre-adolescent problems and dreams. But by the middle of the page, a deeper wisdom would come through from a much higher and balanced perspective. The words flowed without thought.

It was my therapy. It’s hard to believe that the clarity and wisdom in the tone came from a 10-year-old.

I didn’t realize it then, but I was doing automatic writing: channeling my higher self, my spirit, my inner wisdom.

People do this all the time – through writing, music, speaking, and more. It happens any time you enter flow state and create without much thought.

The Power of Your Intuition

Where do you go when you feel lost and need guidance?

I go to my friends, the internet, and books. And on my spiritual journey, I’ve come across so many different modalities: astrology, clairvoyants, YouTube videos by spiritual teachers, and so on.

Ultimately, all the answers you seek are within you. You’ve spent so many years relying on the intelligence and resourcefulness of your mind. But the wisdom of your heart has been guiding you the entire time.

When I experienced the dark night of the soul last year, all of my belief systems collapsed to be re-evaluated. I searched outside of myself for guidance. I spent hours reading books, watching videos, and seeking a like-minded community to validate what I was experiencing.

These were helpful in giving me frameworks and a language to better understand what I was going through, so I grabbed on to whatever resonated.

But all of the things I learned pointed me back to my intuition. Deep down, I knew my own truth all along.

Automatic Writing for Inner Wisdom

Anyone can tap into the wisdom of their subconscious and the infinite intelligence of their heart.

One of the easiest ways to start is automatic writing or journaling. Here’s how:

  1. Enter a calm state by taking a few deep breaths or meditating. Sit down in front of a pen and paper, or your laptop. I find that pen and paper work best for me.
  2. Write down a question. Let go of your need to know how to answer it.
  3. Start writing whatever comes through. It might feel a bit choppy at first, but you’ll find it begin to flow. Try not to think or plan what you’re writing.
  4. When you feel the inspiration quiet, it’s time to stop writing. You’ll know when to stop.
  5. Re-read what you wrote. Does it sound clearer and wiser? Did you get a new perspective?
  6. Keep practicing, as your ability to tune in will get stronger. Trust yourself and let go of your need to control.

Sometimes, the answer won’t come right away. You can write down a list of questions you have for your subconscious mind, ideally before bed. And then, forget about the list.

In the past, some answers have come to me the next day or the following week.

It might come as a sudden inspiration or thought. A friend might say something to you. You might stumble upon it through a book, a conversation you overhear, or something you see online. The lyrics of a song. A dream or a memory.

Trust Yourself

You are always guided. Just ask the questions, trust yourself, and let go of your need to know the answer right away. They will come back to you like a boomerang.

Each time, it’s such a magical experience.

When you start opening the communication with your spirit, when you step more fully into trusting yourself, the floodgates open.

You are an eternal being, one with source. So you’re not connecting to anything outside of yourself. You’re connecting to your higher self, your own subconscious, or your spirit guides (as some people call it) – who are simply aspects of you.

Once you start getting the hang of automatic writing, what do you do now?

Ask bigger questions. Don’t be afraid to ask what you don’t know.

You might not want to ask some questions because you’re not ready to hear the answer. Or if it feels blocked, it may be a lesson you need to experience firsthand.

Multidimensional Perspectives

What’s true for others may not be what’s true for you. And vice versa. So you cannot let anyone tell you what to think. Including me.

Multiple perspectives, seemingly contradictory, can exist at once. It all depends on the context and level of consciousness.

We’re multidimensional beings in a multidimensional universe. We must break through the limitations of linear and dualistic thinking — black and white, this or that.

If the answer you find within resonates deep in your being, you know it’s true to you in that moment. And as you grow, your beliefs and knowings will continue to expand and change.

You can see five different astrologers in one day and get five totally different readings. Or go to the same astrologer twice in a month and get a different read on your future. Even if they’re very clear in themselves and deliver the readings as unfiltered as possible, you’ll still get vastly different responses.

They’re reading the energy at the time, the consciousness you hold, and the science of the stars — but as a powerful being, you can transcend any label or potentiality.

You’re always evolving. By expanding your consciousness, you welcome in new truths, realities, and perspectives.

Nothing is External to You

Here’s a multidimensional perspective…

On one hand, we cannot rely on resources outside of us for our truth. On the other hand, nothing is outside of us. We guide ourselves to the right resources and teachers that we need on our path, and they tend to show up at the perfect time.

The book series, Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch, was so life-changing for me. I discovered each book in the series at the perfect time in my journey.

In 2012, Book 1 was given to me by a new friend. In 2014, I came across books 2 and 3 in a dusty used bookstore. And I found Book 4 in a bookstore in Byron Bay, Australia – a place I felt called to visit for many years. I would not have been ready for the astonishing perspectives in Book 4 if I had read it any earlier in my life.

Your soul will guide you to the right books, teachings, and resources when needed. You attracted them into your experience for a reason.

So there’s nothing wrong with looking outside of you for answers. It only becomes unhealthy when you start overly relying on them for guidance and giving them your power, thus denying your own power.

Take what resonates, and then let it go.

After you venture outward, return to your center. That’s where you’ll find the deepest truths and answers you seek.


If you want to follow my writing, I share it more frequently on my Instagram @ashmi.path and Facebook.



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