For the past 7 months, I’ve been living in Ubud, the spirituality and wellness mecca of Bali.

There’s no shortage of shops and signs pointing to yoga, energy work, workshops, and so much more. It’s clear why Ubud attracts people looking for healing and rejuvenation.

I found myself flitting from one nourishing activity to the next, only to miss the depth that I was seeking. Many weeks, I distracted myself with a busy schedule because it was too painful (and at the time, boring) to sit with myself and look at the wounds within.

Over the course of three months, I read over 50 books on spirituality and philosophy. They opened the door to helping me understand what was happening to me on my spiritual journey. But still, I was trying to see and feel from the mind and not the heart.

I had to do the work on my own. I had to trust my inner guidance. And when I felt called, I withdrew from all of the activity to go deeper into meditation for an entire month.

A New Spirituality

I found the greatest opportunities for transformation were not during the healing sessions or in the pages of a book, but in the moments in between.

In these moments, I observed myself.

Am I slowing down? Am I embodying the peace I feel within? Do I love myself right now? How are my thoughts showing me what I need to heal within? Am I being gentle with my body? Can I smile warmly and converse with the waitresses, the taxi driver, the neighbor next door – without rushing through my day?

That’s where I found the stillness. I found the connection to my core, and along with it, a deeper connection with humanity.

It was about slowing down and becoming quiet so I could hear the voice of my heart. As I began loving myself unconditionally, my newly empowered thoughts called forth magical manifestations into my life.

I surrendered to a deeper trust in the universe.

Tiny moment by moment, I was embodying the person I wanted to be and the way I wanted to move through life.

Becoming Your Own Guru

I came to Bali for healing, but in the beginning, I was looking for it outside of myself.

Now, I realize you don’t need someone, or something external, to heal you.

Of course, many healers, gurus, and role models are profoundly transformative. They can be wonderful catalysts on your path, and you’ll be intuitively guided to the ones that are right for you.

The best ones will guide you to trust in your own intuition. Because at the core, you are your own guru.

We must remember that we are powerful beyond our wildest dreams. We’re not broken to begin with. Our souls are, and have always been, whole. But in forgetting our connection to source, we experienced incredible pain and separation. We didn’t know how to access the unconditional love that has always been within.

Today, we’re experiencing a rapid global awakening. More and more people are awakening to the remembrance that we are not just our bodies and minds – we are eternal souls. And there is much more to this reality than what our eyes can see.

Their awakening may happen gradually or be triggered suddenly – by crazy synchronicities that they can no longer view as coincidental, vivid dreams and meditations, new psychic abilities, an interest in the esoteric, and more. Or, they experience a rude awakening through a dark night of the soul. This is when adversity or loss forces you to go within and re-examine the old structures and beliefs that have started to collapse.

You’ve always been guided by the quiet voice of your intuition and heart. These nudges come from your higher self, angels, and spirit guides, who are always with you whether you know it or not. It’s just that many of us are only now becoming aware of them.

Before you feel like you can trust your own guidance, you might look everywhere outside of you for validation, information, and confirmation. But the answers are already within you. If you start trusting your hunches, you’ll open yourself to a new channel of wisdom.

There are a few ways you can exercise this muscle. You can meditate or write down your questions and see what answers bubble up from within. Sometimes, all it takes is setting the intention to connect with your higher self. Pay attention to your dreams – they carry many symbols and messages.

And usually, the path of least resistance is illuminated by the option or idea that seems most exciting to you. Your emotions are the soul’s language; excitement is the body’s translation of who you really are as a soul.

“When you act in alignment with your excitement, you’re aligning yourself with your vibrational frequency and who you really are.” ~Bashar, Channeled by Darryl Anka

The Gift in You

Each person comes to this life with their soul’s unique experiences, past lives, gifts, and mission. And over our lifetime, we accumulate our own human experiences, perspectives, and wisdom to share.

You might feel like you don’t know enough, or aren’t skilled enough, to be able to give anything worthy to the world. But when you speak your truth, when you speak from the heart – you are offering something no one else can replicate. This was the realization that helped me overcome the fear of starting a YouTube channel.

In this new age of spirituality, release all expectations and beliefs of what a guru looks like. Not all will look like a bearded monk. They are all around you – the young, the old, the meek, the strong. Don’t be surprised when you see them swear, party, or get angry. And all of them make mistakes. Look in the mirror, and you’ll see another example in yourself.

Just by being yourself, you are already a teacher, a healer. You radiate your own unique energy field everywhere you go. Did you know your tone of voice and presence alone can activate an awakening in anyone who comes in contact with you?

Some of the youngest children on earth are the oldest souls. They have a lot to teach us, activating us with their higher frequency of love, wonder, and open-heartedness. These new generations bring templates and codes from behind the veil that trigger awakenings around the world.

You are a light to others, as they are a light to you. As you follow your heart’s path, you’ll naturally attract those who resonate with you. This is your soul tribe – the communities and people you’re meant to connect with.

As we step into our own power, we create a world full of awakened beings who share with one another in beautiful, equal exchange.



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