When you doubt yourself, you’ve forgotten your power.

Keep coming back to your heart, where you’ll find your truth. There is clarity there, always.

Do you trust the knowing of your heart or the chatter of your mind?

All you need to do is return to your heart. Find that space of expansion.

When you feel most alive, you’ll remember who you really are. And from that place, go out into the world.

Be the love that you are. Create with that love.

Bring that joyful way of BEING into everything you do.

The call of your heart is there for a reason. You didn’t come into this life to dream small. You came to experience and enjoy all that you are.

Nothing holds power over you, because you are sovereign… not money, not social norms, not other people and what they think. So do not make decisions to please others or to continue feeding what you think you should do. Remember your power.

You can do anything that you believe you can.

The evidence is in your intuition, natural gifts and joys, dreams, creative nudges, and the results of your life… All of this shows you that you’re guided. You can always communicate with your inner being, your higher self.

You were born for this: to express your true nature, to come alive, and share your love in your unique way.

Your intuition might tell you to slow down, meditate, play, or do nothing all day – even if you think you should be productive. By slowing down, you create space for your inner wisdom to be heard.

Trust the voice that tells you life doesn’t have to be the way you were taught. It doesn’t have to be an uphill battle. You are in charge. Nothing is out of reach.

You don’t need to worry about finding your path. You ARE the path. When you embrace where you are right now, your power becomes unstoppable.

Each life experience you’re having is valid and valuable. There’s no need to judge yourself. Your first step may be accepting your current situation as it is and loving yourself in this moment, so you can allow something new. Everything unfolds at the right time.

It takes courage to believe in yourself and follow your heart, even if it looks crazy… even if you fear there’s no security and stability in it. It will keep calling you. And if you follow that call, without attachment to the outcome, you’ll find that it is the path of least resistance. It’s the path of most joy and ease in expressing who you are… the path of most contribution to society… and the path of most abundance.

No one else can do it for you. Are you going to say yes to yourself?

Remember. You create your reality. Directly. Every portion of the day. You wrote this play. You are the director. You can be, have, and experience all that you BELIEVE you can.

It is safe to be yourself. You were born to be yourself.


Written in meditation as a personal and collective message from my inner being to yours 💖

If you want to follow my writing, I share it more frequently on my Instagram @ashmi.path and Facebook.



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