Lately, I’ve been feeling called to slow down.

I had the flu a few weeks ago, and I was forced to surrender. The physical discomfort took over most of my thoughts, and I didn’t have the space to worry about doing anything but rest.

It felt good to slow down to the pace of my being. When I started feeling better, I thought about my to-do list again, feeling guilty for falling behind. But my body was still telling me to take it easy.

And I need to remind myself… It’s okay to slow down.

Why do we feel so guilty for not “doing,” when “being” is more important?

Throughout life, I’ve pushed myself faster than the pace of my being. I ignored the natural cycles of my body. I valued getting things done over my health. I did things because I thought I “should” do them and not because I intuitively wanted to.

And in doing so, I tried to force things to happen in my life, often before they were ripe. I worried about the things I couldn’t control.

For the first time, I’m learning to let go of the guilt around slowing down.

I get to listen to my body and honor what she needs. If I don’t feel like it, I don’t have to do it now. Nothing is a true emergency in this moment.

In the same way, I don’t need to worry about this or that right now. Today, I choose to dismiss my anxious thoughts. I don’t need to get pulled in all directions.

The changes may be subtle on the outside, but they’ve had a massive impact on how I feel.

I let myself sleep in longer when I can. I try to start my day with meditation before opening my laptop. When I feel lethargic, I swap the gym with a leisurely walk in the sun… or brew chai tea on the stovetop. I post my writing on social media when I feel inspired, not because I think I “should.”

It feels liberating to say no. With each little rebellion, I’m shifting the old patterns. There’s a growing distance between my thoughts and reactions, which wasn’t there before.

I choose to be gentle with myself.

It’s not ‘hard’ to do less. But the hardest part is slowing down and enjoying it, despite the overactive, planning mind.

Let go. Stop overthinking. Surrender, and know that you are guided.

This feels unnatural at first, because you’ve been pushing yourself to reach for your goals.

But your self-worth doesn’t need to come from what you do.

What would it be like to release a pattern of thinking that has become second nature to you? Is there a new way of life that is waiting to reveal itself?

I’m feeling called to move at the pace of my being and not my thoughts. And this requires listening to my body and heart first, before my mind.

Ironically, the hardest “work” I’m doing right now is learning to do less and release the guilt around it.

The most progress I can make is unlearning the attachment to achievement and productivity. It’s about finding joy in the moment instead of constantly thinking about what I need to do next.

Often, the hardest thing to do is to do nothing… Like meditating simply to do nothing, not even to achieve an outcome or feel a certain way.

That’s when everything becomes still, and you return to zero point. And the cycle starts reversing: instead of forcing your life, you become the receiver.

When you slow down, you can hear the guidance of your heart and intuition more clearly. And I have a hunch that’s when you open up to the true magic of life, to something much greater than yourself.

You don’t have to force things to happen. It’s a relief to let go of worrying, of controlling your life.

You become the vessel.

Let go of your grip, and the current will carry you beyond where you intended – with less effort, worry, and resistance.


If you want to follow my writing, I share it more frequently on my Instagram @ashmi.path and Facebook.

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