Fly, my child… Open your wings. You have everything you need within you.

You were born with these gifts, natural talents, and curiosities. You came into this life with a unique signature, unique codes that your life experience would cause you to discover and unlock.

It wasn’t easy. You faced the depths of your loneliness, despair, and lack of self worth. You forgot who you truly were.

But somewhere deep inside of you is that spark of light. It has never left you. You felt it often, as a child. You sensed it in the joy bubbling in your chest, your awe for life, your compassion for others.

And now, you’re remembering who you truly are and why you’re here. It is a soft remembering, coming at first in the form of intuitive nudges, dreams, and synchronicity… But the remembering becomes a knowing, as your eyes open to the truth of the world – and most importantly, the truth of who you are and the role you play in this multiverse.

You are here for a reason. You are you for a reason. And now, the runway is cleared. You’ve done the deep inner work. The obstacles of the past are crumbling, and they are no match to you now.

It is time to fly. Hold the light and do not be afraid to be seen. Do not be afraid to be you, because that is what you came here to experience.

This message came in strongly during a meditation, and I scribbled it down as quickly as I could.

It’s a collective and personal message, written from the heart 💖

For daily writing and insights, find me on Instagram @ashmi.path.

If you enjoyed this post, I have also written a book called Awakening the Heart of Humanity, with words and art from the heart. You can check it out here.



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