I‘ve experienced many days of flow, followed by many slow days without visible momentum.

When I’m not feeling inspired, I judge myself and try to do everything I can to snap out of it.

But what if, instead, I could embrace the emotions that are present? And honor the natural rhythms of my body?

I‘m learning to not judge myself so harshly.

There will be slow days.

It’s okay to feel stuck, anxious, apathetic… They are part of the process of birthing something new. They are part of creative flow.

Judging yourself is what creates the separation from where you are right now to where you think you “should” be. It separates you from the present moment.

You can assign any meaning you want to the present moment; there is no good or bad.

There is nothing to do, but to authentically meet whatever is true for you today.

Some seasons in life are for momentum and creation, and others are for rest and reflection. (Seasons can last days, weeks, sometimes months or longer.) We are living, cyclical beings – not robots.

I’ve felt a bit more distant from that spark of inspiration the past few days, so I haven’t forced myself to sit and create.

I know the spark is still there in my heart, ready to catch the next wave at the right timing – which I feel will be soon enough.

But in the meantime, I‘ve been nurturing myself with walks in the sun, chai tea and a good book, and deep chats with girlfriends.

Without the judgment and resistance, it feels good to relax into the stillness. It’s still part of the same river, the same flow. You can trust the current is carrying you, always.

Written with love, a bit of struggle, and less inspiration than usual… Which is okay too.

Ashmi 💖

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