Just like finding love took a vibrational shift, creating abundance is also a vibrational shift away.

Over a year ago, I went from yearning for love to already feeling it in my heart. I finally let go of trying to find love from a place of lack – to feeling so content, excited, and happy on my own. I trusted that he was on his way, and our paths collided very quickly after that shift.

It’s the same thing with abundance.

Today, I yearn for it from a place of lack. I want MORE to feel secure and stable. But in wanting to feel secure, I’m offering a vibration of lack that says I’m not secure enough right now.

The key to manifesting is to create the FEELING of what you desire to experience, right now, regardless of any physical evidence. Enjoy it as an emotion before it becomes a physical reality.

What would abundance feel like?

  • Freedom
  • Safety and security
  • Relaxation
  • Expansion
  • Fun and joy
  • More to give
  • Space to pursue my dreams
  • Free time
  • No rush. No urgency.
  • Room to breathe
  • Providing for my future family
  • Investing in what I care about

Do I feel these things now?

No, not in its totality.

Can I create space to feel these feelings more fully and acknowledge they are already present in other areas of my life?


And deep down, I actually KNOW I am free, safe, and secure.

When you meditate, when you feel most alive, when you’re surrounded by loved ones – you know your truth. You are safe.

You can relax. There IS room to breathe right here, right now.

You’re always expanding. You DO have fun and feel free, so often. When you drop into the present moment, you will know there’s no rush. Time slows down, and the urgency becomes an illusion. There’s no place to be, but here.

You’re always connected to the peace and love in your heart. That is true abundance. You don’t need anything external to reconnect with this peace.

And you CAN do anything. As a child, you knew it. Do you remember the times you felt limitless and free? You have choice in what you do and how you feel.

Creating abundance takes a vibrational shift.

Though it sounds simple, it requires you to observe and clear the beliefs around lack that you carry right now. It’s a shift in self-worth – knowing you are whole, provided for, and have everything you need within you – regardless of the number in your bank account.

Before I met my partner, I remember I was feeling abundant in love in so many other areas of my life. I felt abundant in friends. I practiced loving my perceived flaws, my body, my insecurities. I had more love for myself than I’d felt since childhood.

I was overflowing with love, in emotion and vibration. So of course, I attracted the same frequency in physical form.

It’s the same with creating abundance. If you perceive that you don’t have the financial abundance you dream of today, what other areas of your life are you abundant?

Are you abundant in friends? In love? In family? Life experiences, travel, career? Health? In your natural talents and passions?

You are on your path. You’re exactly where you’re meant to be. You can trust and know that more is coming. And at the same time, you can savor where you are right now. This stage in life is also beautiful and valuable in its own way.

This is a personal and collective message, written from my heart. 💖

If you want to follow my writing, I share it more frequently on my Instagram @ashmi.path and Facebook.



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