Over a year ago, I started Covival as a passion project. I haven’t made a single cent on my blog, but what it brought into my life was priceless.

It wasn’t about the money, brand, or traffic. My heart simply yearned to write.

I wanted to create something tangible… and share my writing as an art form with the world. This required me to open my heart, be vulnerable, and speak my truth.

I haven’t tried to monetize my blog. The first step was to build an authentic foundation aligned with my soul.

I write from the heart, reflecting on my favorite topics and explorations. Covival is an extension of me – a creative expression of my soul. And that was enough.

If you told me a year ago what else it would bring into my life, my jaw would’ve dropped.

It led me to meeting some of the most special people in my life.

A few months after I started writing, I received a comment from a woman named Grace. She said, “Love this, Ashmi! I found your site on Google, and your spirit resonates with me. I find a keen similarity between you and me.”

After many enthusiastic messages, we scheduled a Skype chat. We spoke like old friends – laughing, opening up, and basking in the high vibes. Over the year, we nurtured a long-distance friendship, and she flew out from Los Angeles to visit me in San Francisco.

attract friendship

I’m so blessed to call her a soul sister and friend for life.

And this April, I met a beautiful man during the week of Bali Spirit Festival. We exchanged numbers, moving breathwork experiences, and dances.

We both participated in the breathwork workshops each morning, and I wrote about a particularly touching session on my blog here.

After decompressing a few days after the festival, I reached out to him. I was inspired to share the post I wrote about our breathwork session, as I knew it was one of his favorite experiences at the festival.

I felt nervous to share my blog with him because it’s such a naked expression of my soul. My writing leaves me bare with nowhere to hide. Through reading just a single post, you can get a glimpse of my core.

I messaged him the link to the post with a short, “I wrote about my partner breathwork experience. Thought this might resonate with you!” He replied with so much warmth, saying how it was beautifully and magically expressed. And asked me out to dinner.

That was the start of a deep relationship, rooted in vulnerability and the open expression of our hearts.

attract romance

When you do what you love, you broadcast your unique energy signature to the world. As you follow your deepest excitement, you begin embodying your higher self. It’s not about what you’re doing or achieving. It’s about how you’re being – and that is a more loving, passionate, vibrant version of you.

“When you act in alignment with your excitement, you’re aligning yourself with your vibrational frequency and who you really are – which attracts the people, opportunities, and ideas that match that frequency. When you aren’t acting in accordance to who you really are, you struggle with more resistance.” – Bashar, channeled by Darryl Anka

Pursuing your passions is not just about doing work that you love. It’s about becoming who you truly are – your most joyful, loving, alive self.

The more you live in alignment with your heart, the brighter your light shines. You become a beacon of light, attracting your soul tribe. They will find you from all corners of the globe, seemingly randomly. But there are no accidents.

Those who resonate with your core are the people you’re meant to connect with in this life. They are your soul family. If they don’t resonate with you, your truth, or your vision – they are simply not a vibrational match to you.

It takes courage and vulnerability to share your passions with the world. It’s scary at first to bare who you truly are, especially in the early stages when you’re still figuring it out.

But taking that leap of faith, despite your fears, is worth it. It leads you to creating the life of your dreams, becoming who you yearn to become, and attracting the people most aligned with you.

Dare to be your truest self. Dare to shine your light. Your unique passions and natural talents are there for a reason.

You’re not meant to follow the crowd.

Follow your heart and beat your drum in your own way. That is the greatest gift you can give to yourself, and the world.


If you want to follow my writing, I share it more frequently on my Instagram @ashmi.path and Facebook.



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