This is a transcribed interview with Laura Emily, The Happiness Coach and author of Embracing Your Divinity.

Law of Attraction

I believe we can use the law of attraction more effectively when we are completely whole.

When we’re connected to the divine, we don’t need to try to use the law of attraction to manifest our dreams. That’s because when we’re fully in our light, things will just come to us.

In order to be the light, we have to release the dark. We carry a lot of negativity and darkness within us. Sometimes, we don’t even realize it.

You’ll see this evident in your life. If people are being unkind to you, your job isn’t right, or you’re struggling with money – you have a negative energy that needs to be cleared. This is what I help people with as a healer.

There are techniques people tell us to do to be spiritual – like meditation, visualization, and affirmations.

But when you’re totally awake, you don’t need to consciously do them because you ARE those things.

The Moses Code tells us, “I am that I am.” I believe that I am meditation, and therefore I don’t need to meditate. I’m always in a state of meditation, through the work I do and from being in my own light.

It’s the same way with the law of attraction. I trust that because I am the light, the universe knows more about what I need than I do. So I just stay in my light and surrender. And so far, it has not put me wrong.

I’ve manifested a fantastic life for myself, and I’m very happy.

Law of Compensation

Money is energy. When you’re doing something you absolutely love, you’re going to bring in money. You’re putting out a high vibrational energy, so you’re going to attract a lot more money than if you were going to work every day and hating it.

Today, people tend to believe that they have to go to work 9-5 and have a steady job to pay the bills. But they can never enjoy the money because they have too many bills to pay. There’s a lot of imbalance with money.

People also think that if they give money away, they’re going to have less. That is not the case. If you give money (or anything), you receive that energy back. What you put out, you receive – that is the law of compensation. The universe compensates you.

Say you see a homeless person on the street, and you feel guided to give them money. You’re saying to the universe, “I’m helping people by giving them money.” Helping people is a high vibrational energy, particularly when you give with love. The universe gives it back to you, and your money continues to grow so you can help more people.

This doesn’t mean you have to give to everyone on the street or every charity. You have to go with what resonates with you. You have your own unique way of giving – whether it’s skills, time, or money. It’s all energy.

I haven’t had much money in my life. It wasn’t until I started following my purpose that I manifested wealth. Recently, I’ve been very blessed with money because of the work I do. I help people with the gifts that I have.

I talk about these universal laws in my book. I also talk about the law of cause and effect, or karma. What you put out, you’ll receive back. If you’re unkind to someone, it comes back.

Everything has a ripple effect. It’s important that we give with love, and that we are love.

How I Manifested My Dream Career

I had my spiritual awakening when I was in San Diego after I met my boyfriend, who is my twin flame. When I returned home from that 3-month vacation, I knew that I didn’t want to go back to the same job. It didn’t resonate with me anymore.

I didn’t feel like that was who I was supposed to be, or where I was supposed to be.

But I did know that I loved the law of attraction. I had so much knowledge on it, and I wanted to share it with other people. That was all I really knew.

I looked online for jobs to try to find a match, but nothing really resonated.

After a week of reflection, I decided to ask the universe to bring me something. I said out-loud, “Bring me the perfect job.”

A couple of days later, I was reading a book. In that book, this lady was saying how she needed to make some money. She started writing articles for magazines about angels and spiritual guidance.

I thought, “I could do that!” So I went online and applied for some writing jobs. The next day, I got an email from a man in Australia offering me a job to write his blog once a week. After doing that for a few months, I started writing blogs and e-books for others.

As my confidence grew, I started my own website where people would email me and ask me questions. It’s grown from there, and now I’m an intuitive healer.

Alongside all of that, I was writing a book to be published. I set the intention that it would get published, even though people told me I shouldn’t try to because it’s too hard these days.

I didn’t listen to them. And it was so easy – the first publisher that I went to told me that they were going to publish it.

I feel very blessed. I’ve created my dream life, where I wake up and live my soul mission every day.


About Laura Emily

Laura Emily, also known as ‘The Happiness Coach’, considers it her mission in life to help uplift the planet and encourage a shift in the consciousness that we have today. She currently does one to one coaching through her website to help others achieve their goals, fulfill their dreams, and awaken to remember their connection to the Universe


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