In meditation, feel into your heart. An immense love for the world starts blooming. There’s bright fire blossoming from within. That’s your light, yearning to overflow and spread to the world.

We are entering a new age of working not for personal gain, money, or recognition – but for living in service to humanity.

We all come into this world with natural gifts and passions. These guide us to our soul mission, our unique contribution to the world.

Once you drop the fear-based ego, it becomes very simple.

Follow your passions, express yourself creatively, and spend your time doing what makes you come alive. That is your gift to the world.

Trust that the next step will unfold. Your work will grow from there, blooming into multiple projects through paths unforeseen today. It will spread to the communities that resonate with you.

There’s no need to plan or think too far ahead. Simply do what makes you come alive in this moment, and the next.

This requires you to surrender your ego to your higher self.

You’re always guided by your higher self. Listen to your intuition, the quiet nudges of your heart. You’ll get spontaneously inspired by genius ideas, and the most persistent thoughts will keep pulling at your heartstrings.

They may seem scattered at first, but if you follow the idea that excites you the most right now, the next will appear on your path.

They are the breadcrumbs leading you to something much greater than you can see now.

Act on your highest excitement to the best of your ability as far as you can go, with zero expectation of the outcome. Your purpose in life is to be who you are, as fully as you can. When you’re true to yourself, the universe will support that.” – Bashar, channeled by Darryl Anka

Serve humanity.

Do it out of love. Do it from the purest intentions of love for the world, which is the same as your love for yourself. Because you are the world. You are the universe.

Do it for your creative expression and soul’s expansion.

Do it because it makes you the most joyful version of you…

And because there’s nothing else you’d rather do with your time.

Don’t do it from your ego. Do it because it is your soul’s calling.

We’re entering an age where money will be redefined. Money will no longer be something to accumulate for yourself, to hoard, to hold scarce. It is simply energy. It’s what you receive in exchange for your time and loving energy.

And the more you share, the more you’ll receive in return. Money is to be given with abundance and joy, to support the people and causes you care about. As you work in service to humanity, others will support you in the same way.

We are not here to “save” the world. We are not here to heal or fix others. They don’t need saving. We don’t need to place them in a lower position of weakness, because they’re powerful beyond their knowing.

No, we’re here to shine our light so that others may find their own light. We’re here to stand in our power so that others may remember their own.

We are here to guide, assist, and stand for others. And so, they will heal themselves, teach themselves, and remember for themselves who they truly are.

Work from the heart. Serve from the heart. Live from the heart.

The more you lift others up, the more you will be lifted yourself. It is universal law.

It’s time to rise up to your highest potential. Shine your light. Be your fullest, truest self.

This is what you came here to be.



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