Three months ago, I unexpectedly lost a big client. Normally, this would have led to a spiral of fear and anxiety. But instead, I celebrated it.

I saw it as exactly what my heart had been asking for: less client work, more focus on my passions. It was an opportunity for me to put myself first and wholeheartedly say yes to my dreams.

It was the best day I’d had in a while. I was overcome with a sense of peace and excited anticipation.

And it completely changed the trajectory of the next three months – and I believe – my life.

You are the creator of your reality. And this means you literally create your every experience.

Your reaction or response to an experience can shift what you get out of it in the moment AND what happens next.

Instead of the usual knee-jerk reaction, you can choose a new response.

You can change your reality by redefining what is happening – by seeing it in a positive light. By assigning a positive meaning to what’s happening, you open up to a new chain of events you didn’t have access to before.

And even more powerful, allow yourself to think reassuring, good-feeling thoughts about your situation. This decreases your mental resistance and allows you to tap into a higher perspective about your situation.

Here are some examples of reassuring, good-feeling thoughts: Things that seemed negative at the time turned out for the best. I’ve felt this before, and I’ve been able to handle it. This is pushing me to grow. Everything is working out for me, whether I can see it or not.

Every uncomfortable feeling or trigger carries valuable information.

Can you sit with it and ask it what it’s telling you?

Instead of attaching a story to the situation, can you just allow yourself to feel the raw emotion? Without analyzing it, can you sit with the intensity of the emotion?

In that space, it will be easier to receive the message that the emotion is trying to communicate. And with that understanding, you can create something new: a new response, which allows you to get a new result.

Are you feeling stuck in life? Or can you start seeing it as a transformative time of transition, on the edge of your next breakthrough?

For over a year, I felt ‘stuck’ at times. I had one foot in the door of my old career, and one foot in my passions. I KNEW where my heart wanted to go, but I was too scared of taking the leap.

I got pulled into cycles of doubt often. But I did my best to reassure myself, honoring the time I was taking to really reflect and feel into what I wanted to create with my life.

Many days, I enjoyed the ‘limbo’ phase. I was so glad I didn’t try to fill my extra time by hustling and trying to get more clients. I didn’t want to be caught in the trap of being busy to feel productive, like I did for way too long.

And instead, I followed my excitement and curiosity: writing, painting, learning, reflecting, and building sacred friendships. All of this and more led to joy, new ideas, and opportunities. And it awakened a fire deep in my heart.

If you’re feeling stuck and bad about yourself, take a deep breath. You are BRAVE for sitting in this space, feeling the emotions, and yearning for more but not knowing how to begin. You are exactly where you’re meant to be. Your peace and breakthrough is actually found here, the deeper you go within yourself – not somewhere else you think you ‘should’ be.

To consciously create your experience, become the observer of your experience.

Are you feeling anxious or stressed? Sit with it. What is it telling you?

It may be telling you that you’re not aligned with the current situation. Your heart wants something different. Or, it may be telling you to breathe and relax – you’re getting ahead of yourself.

Think of the things you used to be insecure about in the past. Back then, they were probably triggered often – by your friends, family, teachers, partners. But now, you’re not as insecure about those things. And likely, they no longer (or rarely) get triggered in your day-to-day life.

This is because that insecurity or wound is not as big as before. It’s not as active in your energetic field (and your thoughts and emotions), so the trigger has faded from your current life experience. In other words, you have stopped attracting triggers that show you the wound. Everything external in your experience holds a mirror to something inside.

In the same way, you can let go of the stories you carry today. Redefine your triggers and wounds with a new understanding. They, too, will start fading from your life experience.

Redefine ‘being stuck’. Redefine ‘creative blocks’. See it as a chance to play! Throw out the rules and expectations. Ask your heart how it wants to play.

The anxiety becomes a loving message. The limbo stage becomes a time to surrender and allow.

In the same way, you can transform your daily life experiences.

Does cleaning have to be a chore? Or can it be a relaxing, meditative experience?

Are you sick or injured? Maybe this is exactly what your body needed: to rest, purge, and experience a different pace for now.

Is sharing on Instagram egotistical and image-centered? Or can it be about giving, inspiring, and connecting?

Was that just a lucky coincidence? Or is it synchronicity, showing you that you’re always guided by your intuition and higher heart?

As you assign positive meaning to your experiences, more positive experiences will flow into your life. It has to – it is a law of the universe. What you put out, you get back. Your brain will look for more evidence to support your beliefs, and it cannot be any other way.


If you want to follow my writing, I share it more frequently on my Instagram @ashmi.path and Facebook.

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Written with love,

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