By the age of 21, I thought I knew what I wanted my career to look like, and what I aspired to become.

I was in Silicon Valley, working at a startup and surrounded by brilliant entrepreneurs. Most of my friends were working in the tech industry.

My bosses and mentors shaped my vision for what I wanted to do, and become, in life. I thought I wanted to be an executive, founder, or cofounder of an attractive startup.

I stayed in that mindset for years, working around the clock and burning myself out to climb the career ladder – without questioning the ladder I was climbing.

Our visions for our lives are heavily influenced by our social circles, parents, education, and media. So we must ask ourselves – are our dreams truly ours, aligned with our heart and soul, or are they borrowed?

Do we choose certain careers because we think that’s what we’re supposed to want?

I thought I was supposed to want to start my own company or be part of a founding team, grinding every day behind an inspiring mission.

It was more than a career to me. It was my carefully constructed identity: the hardworking career woman pursuing amazing jobs and missions.

It was my comfort. My pride. My self-worth.

I envisioned myself living in San Francisco and marrying someone in tech, because that was the type I typically dated. We’d work from our laptops on the couch late into the evenings, talking about our dreams.

It’s an attractive and bold lifestyle, and I have a lot of respect for people who do this. Some people’s energy and personalities are built for working hard for long hours – but it’s not for everyone. 

But because it was the predominant lifestyle option I saw in my circles, that became my definition of success.

What happens, though, when you start re-examining your vision for your life?

Leaving my job and network in Silicon Valley to travel the world was my first step out of the bubble. It gave me the space to reflect on my life with fresh eyes.

I started re-evaluating my definitions of success and happiness. They were so deeply programmed within me from childhood.

I questioned everything. And in many cases, I experienced a massive reversal of my old values and habits.

I realized that everything I create externally first comes from within. And all of the limiting beliefs deep in my subconscious impact my life experience and everything I create.

So in order to create the life that I want, I needed to examine and heal any distortions I held.

One distortion was my attachment to achievement. I’d pushed myself so hard my entire life to achieve, and I realized it was coming from a place of lack. I always felt like I wasn’t enough.

I started being more gentle with myself and re-balancing my feminine energy, which I’d suppressed for years in the dominantly masculine workforce.

My old vision for my career no longer appealed to me. And as I dropped it, I created space for new dreams to surface. These dreams turned out to be truer to my core.

In order to create something new in my life and truly listen to my heart’s deepest desires, I had to shed my old identity.

How many of your dreams today are based on programmed mindsets and old identities? When was the last time you took a hard look to see if it’s time to create anew?

This applies to changing careers, relationships, where you live, your friends, and more.

Maybe your job (or relationship) was perfect for your growth and life experience then – but now, it has run its course and there’s nothing more for you to learn.

I’m so grateful for my early career in Silicon Valley because it helped me grow and get to the understanding I have today. But at a certain point, it was time to let go and embrace change.

Are you willing to let go of what you thought you wanted to become – to create room for what you’re truly meant to be?

Your soul is always guiding you to align with your true purpose in a million ways, if only you’d listen – through your intuition, emotions (especially anxiety and suffocation, which may reveal what’s not working in your life), flashes of inspiration, and that quiet voice in your heart.

It’s hard at first, because everyone will question you: your friends, family, colleagues, and especially yourself. But remember, they are likely projecting their own fears and programmed beliefs onto you.

I’ve been traveling and living abroad for 17 months now, and I have never felt so at peace.

Today, I work limited hours advising founders, consulting people who are building businesses around their purpose, and playing with passion projects that align with my soul.

I’ve discovered that it is possible to make a living doing only what you love. You can read more about that here.

But above my work, I prioritize my balance, wellbeing, and inner peace.

This is because my spiritual growth is what matters to me most – something I was ignoring during my early career. I know that the more I invest in my soul, the more light I can shine upon my life and the world. And the more joy I can radiate from within.

My dream has become quite simple and true to heart.

I want to always be growing, evolving, and opening my heart to share my true essence with the world. I want to continue awakening and remembering my own power. And as I’m doing that, I’ll naturally activate others to awaken and remember their power.

The “how” behind the way I do this – through coaching, writing, and simply sharing my experiences – is just a detail.

Once you’re aligned with your soul, tapped into your natural gifts, and doing what comes effortlessly to you – there will be no difference between serving your highest joy and serving the world.

Many people today are considering a career change.

As you grow out of your old identities, it’s normal for your dreams to no longer resonate. The beautiful opportunity here is to take the leap, trust yourself, and start dreaming from that pure place in your heart.

Don’t be afraid to shed your skin.

With each layer you shed, you get closer to your core. And with each new dream or ‘career,’ remember that you’re not starting from scratch.

You’re finally becoming who you’re meant to be… And living the life that only you can live, following the beat of your own drum.

It is an essential part of your personal evolution.

That’s when you’ll experience the unfolding of a life of joy, fulfillment, and peace beyond what you could imagine before.

Other Ideas:


If you want to follow my writing, I share it more frequently on my Instagram @ashmi.path and Facebook.



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